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Просмотр коллекции по группе - По автору Varahabhatla, V.

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Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Anticipating the hypertension mediated organ damage using arterial stiffness and pulse wave velocity in resistant hypertensive patients in a south indian cityVarahabhatla, V.; Basavaprabhu, A.; Padmanabh, K.; Ingrid, P.
2017Biochemical changes in patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary Tuberculosis in the presence of resistance to anti-tb drugsVarahabhatla, V.; Tekwani, V. S.
2017Characteristics of clinical manifestations and therapeutic approaches in pediatric allergic diseasesTekwani, V.; Varahabhatla, V.
2018Haematological and Lymphoproliferative Comorbidities in Hepatitis B and C: A. Literature ReviewVarahabhatla, V.; Daria, S.; Uchasova, E.; Vedula, U.; Усачова, Олена Віталіївна
2018Problems of differential diagnostics between tuberculosis of lungs and nonspecific pneumoniaYasinskyi, R. M.; Varahabhatla, V.; Tekwani, V.
2017The effectiveness of the feedback given to the students by their teachers and it’s impact on their improvement in academic performanceKatnam, S.; Varahabhatla, V.
2017The problem of air pollution in IndiaVolkova, Yu. V.; Varahabhatla, V.; Волкова, Юлія Володимирівна; Варахабхатла, Вамсі
2017The problem of air pollution in IndiaVolkova, Yu. V.; Varahabhatla, V.; Волкова, Юлія Володимирівна
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