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Название: Legal basis of trade of veterinary drugs through the example of “Trifuzol” in the republic of Belarus: prospects and issues
Авторы: Anishchenko, M. A.
Parchenko, V. V.
Hamburh, I. A.
Hamburh, A. V.
Alekseev, O. H.
Samura, T. O.
Makukh, O. V.
Gutyj, B. V.
Hunchak, V. M.
Kulish, S. M.
Samko, A. V.
Аніщенко, Михайло Анатолійович
Парченко, Володимир Володимирович
Алексєєв, Олександр Германович
Самура, Тетяна Олександрівна
Куліш, Сергій Миколайович
Самко, Анатолій Васильович
Ключевые слова: circulation of veterinary pharmacy preparations
legislation of the Republic of Belarus
international legal acts of the Eurasian Economic Union
Дата публикации: 2019
Издатель: India
Библиографическое описание: Legal basis of trade of veterinary drugs through the example of “trifuzol” in the republic of Belarus: prospects and issues / M. A. Anishchenko, V. V. Parchenko, I. A. Hamburh, A. V. Hamburh, O. H. Alekseev, T. O. Samura, O. V. Makukh, B. V. Gutyj, V. M. Hunchak, S. M. Kulish, A. V. Samko // Research journal of pharmaceutical, biological and chemical sciences. - 2019. – № 10(2). – P. 912-918.
Аннотация: This article covers the issues of legal regulation of trade of veterinary medicinal products in the Republic of Belarus based on the actual Belarusian law and international legal acts of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU); underlines the importance and development prospects for the market of veterinary drugs on EAEU territory through the example of veterinary medicine “Trifuzol” for owners of property and nonproperty rights for the specified drugs imported from other countries; new suggestions regarding the amendments in laws that control trade of veterinary drugs have been developed.
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10565
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Наукові праці. (УЕФ)

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