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Название: The latin language and medical terminology: test tasks
Другие названия: Латинська мова та медична термінологія :збірниктестових завдань для студ.-іноз. гром. І курсу мед. ф-тів (спец. 222 “Медицина”)
Авторы: Вишницька, Яна Станіславівна
Калашникова, Марина Юріївна
Левада, Т. І.
Скрипник, Юлія Сергіївна
Дата публикации: 2018
Издатель: Запорізький державний медичний університет
Библиографическое описание: The latin language and medical terminology: test tasks for the first-year students of the medical faculties with the english medium of instruction (Speciality 222 “General Medicine”) / Уклад.: Я. С. Вишницька, М. Ю. Калашникова, Т. І. Левада, Ю.С. Скрипник. – Запоріжжя: ЗДМУ, 2018. – 112 с.
Аннотация: The Latin Language and Medical Terminology. Test Tasks contain specialized design-structure-tasks for independent work and final module test of the First-Year Students of the Medical Facultieswith the English Medium of Instruction (Speciality 222 “General Medicine”)that are aimed to reinforce the material learnt and to prepare for continuous assessment and credit in the Latin Language.The structure of the present test tasks is divided into five parts, namely, «Phonetics. Rules of Stress», «Noun. NominativusetGenetivusSingularis. NominativusetGenetivusPluralis», «Adjective. Degrees of Comparison», «I-V Declensions of Nouns», «Clinical Diagnosis», «Clinical Terms – Stem Formation. Greek Terminoelements», «Names of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Pharmaceutical Drugs», «Structure of Prescription Order Line. Principles of Prescription Writing». Test control is one of the best ways to assist students during the study process that helps to focus on the correct understanding of the material in terms of the Latin language studying course. The test tasks are arranged according to the studying programme of the course and based on the lexical minimum of corresponding sections. Tests help students to undertake self-control and can be used during final module test.
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15358
Располагается в коллекциях:For English speaking students. (Department of Foreign Languages)

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