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Название: Modulation of HSP70-dependent mechanisms of endogenous neuroprotection with selenium derivatives under conditions of ischemictype acute cerebrovascular accident modeling
Авторы: Belenichev, I. F.
Gorchakova, N. O.
Bukhtiyarova, N. V.
Samura, I. B.
Savchenko, N. V.
Nefedov, O. O.
Bak, P. G.
Бєленічев, Ігор Федорович
Бухтіярова, Ніна Вікторівна
Самура, Ірина Борисівна
Бак, Павло Геннадійович
Ключевые слова: selenium derivatives
dependent mechanisms
acute cerebrovascular accident
Дата публикации: 2020
Библиографическое описание: Modulation of HSP70-dependent mechanisms of endogenous neuroprotection with selenium derivatives under conditions of ischemictype acute cerebrovascular accident modeling / I. F. Belenichev, N. O. Gorchakova, N. V. Bukhtiyarova, I. B. Samura, N. V. Savchenko, O. O. Nefedov, P. G. Bak // Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport. – 2020. - T. 6, nr 5. – P. 99-108. - http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/PPS.2020.06.04.009.
Аннотация: The influence of selenium derivatives selenoline, cysteine selenate, and methionine selenate on the main indicators of HSP70-dependent mechanisms of endogenous neuroprotection under conditions of acute cerebrovascular accident (CVA) modeling has been investigated, and pathogenetic substantiation of prospects for their further study as potential neuroprotectors has been given. The experiments have been performed on white Wistar rats by bilateral irreversible ligation of the common carotid artery. Cysteine selenite and methionine selenite at a dose of 30 μg/kg, and selenoline at a dose of 50 μg/kg were introduced intraperitoneally to the experimental animals once-daily for 4 days. Every day for 4 days, the severity of neurological reactions was assessed in points on a stroke-index scale, and the mortality rate in animals was recorded. In the process of biochemical studies of brain tissue, the state of mRNA expression, HSP70 level, hypoxia-induced factors (HIF) – HIF1α and HIF-3α were evaluated using the method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with realtime reverse transcription. While false-operated animals developed mild neurological disorders, the control group developed bilateral ptosis, circling movements, paresis and paralysis of the limbs.
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16011
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові праці. (Лабораторна діагностика)
Наукові праці. (Фармакологія та МР)

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