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Название: Dynamics of the functional state of the vegetative nervous system in interaction with the changes of adrenocorticotropic and somatotropic hormones in patients with serious meninigitis
Другие названия: Динамика функционального состояния вегетативной нервной системы во взаимосвязи с изменениями адренокортикотропного и соматотропного гормонов у больных серозными менингитами
Авторы: Рябоконь, Юрій Юрійович
Задирака, Денис Анатолійович
Riabokon, Yu.
Zadyraka, D.
Ключевые слова: serous meningitis
heart rate variability
Дата публикации: 2019
Библиографическое описание: Riabokon Yu. Dynamics of the functional state of the vegetative nervous system in interaction with the changes of adrenocorticotropic and somatotropic hormones in patients with serious meninigitis / Yu. Riabokon, D. Zadyraka // Georgian medical news. – 2019. – № 2 (287). – P. 93-98.
Аннотация: The study included 64 patients with serous meningitis, in which the heart rate variability (HRV) spectrum, the content of ACTH and STH in serum was studied in the course of the commonly accepted treatment. The purpose of the study was to analyze the dynamics of indicators of functional state of the autonomic nervous system in correlation with changes of adrenocorticotropic and somatotropic hormones in patients with serous meningitis. According to the results, serous meningitis were predominantly moderate in severity, with generalization in the clinical picture dominated through general toxicosis, general cerebral and meningeal syndromes, but changes in the spectral parameters of HRV showed a marked imbalance with a shift in the functional activity of the autonomic nervous system towards vagotonia in combination with an ACTH level increase and STH decrease in serum (p<0.01). The purpose of the study was to analyze the dynamics of indicators of functional state of the autonomic nervous system in correlation with changes of adrenocorticotropic and somatotropic hormones in patients with serous meningitis. According to the results, serous meningitis were predominantly moderate in severity, with generalization in the clinical picture dominated by general toxicosis, general cerebral and meningeal syndromes, but changes in the spectral parameters of HRV showed a marked imbalance with a shift in the functional activity of the autonomic nervous system towards vagotonia in combination with an ACTH level increase and STH decrease in serum (p<0.01).
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20364
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові праці. (Інфекційні хвороби)

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