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Название: Acmeology-based development of nurses’ professional skills in light of lifelong learning
Авторы: Sharlovych, Z.
Zakusilova, T. O.
Kupriianenko, A.
Perederkо, L.
Закусилова, Тетяна Олександрівна
Ключевые слова: acmeological approach
lifelong learning
professional skills
vocational development
Дата публикации: 2023
Библиографическое описание: Acmeology-based development of nurses’ professional skills in light of lifelong learning / Z. Sharlovych, T. Zakusilova, A. Kupriianenko, L. Perederkо // Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. - 2023. - Vol. 14, N 4. - P. 1010-1017. - https://doi.org/10.15452/CEJNM.2023.14.0018.
Аннотация: Aim: The study examines the impact of the acmeological approach to postgraduate education on developing the personal component of nursesʼ professional skills. Design: An experimental study. Methods: The study involved 72 nurses in postgraduate training (average age 36.3 years old) specializing in family nursing and nurse anesthetists in anesthesiology and intensive care units, with an average working experience of 14.3 years. The following methods were used: the morphological test of life values, the “Need for achievements” inventory, and the “Motivation of professional activity” test. A Studentʼs t-test was used to compare the indicators and assess the validity of the results. The data obtained from the written survey were calculated and entered into Excel spreadsheets for further processing. Results: The use of the acmeological approach in nursesʼ professional training in advanced training courses statistically significantly (p < 0.05) contributed to an increase in the importance of spiritual and moral values. The research results revealed the increasing importance of internal motives to nursesʼ professional activity and the positive dynamics of nurses’ desire to perform Conclusion: The acmeological approach to developing professional skills in continuing education contributed to the reinforcement of important personal qualities in nurses.
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20621
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові праці. (Соціальна медицина)

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