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Название: Bioresorbable magnesium-based alloys for osteosynthesis
Авторы: Greshta, V.
Shalomeev, V.
Tkach, D.
Pavlenko, D.
Brykov, M.
Yastsun, Ye. V.
Zhukova, N.
Яцун, Євген Володимирович
Ключевые слова: magnesium alloy
microalloying, corrosion resistance, ultimate strength, intermetallides
corrosion resistance
ultimate strength
Дата публикации: 2024
Библиографическое описание: Bioresorbable magnesium-based alloys for osteosynthesis / V. Greshta, V. Shalomeev, D. Tkach, D. Pavlenko, M. Brykov, Ye. Yastsun, N. Zhukova // Acta metallurgica slovaca. - 2024. - Vol. 30, N 1. - P. 5-14. - https://doi.org/10.36547/ams.30.1.1974.
Аннотация: The impact of micro-alloying of AZ91 and NZ30K magnesium alloys with silver and scandium to produce bioresorbable implants for osteosynthesis is studied in the paper. The application of these alloys is limited due to the significant reduction of the mechanical properties of magnesium during the regeneration of fractures. It was found that the higher the concentration of the above-mentioned elements, the bigger the amount of intermetalloids that appear and the smaller they become. There were different mechanical proper-ties observed at the sample cross-section, but the difference was successfully eliminated by thermal treatment. It reduced the chemical heterogeneity of the workpiece at the cross-section and, respectively, the value of micro-hardness. It is shown that microalloying these alloys with 0.05…0.1 % of silver and scandium ensures the grinding of the structural elements of the metal and a significant increase of the set of their properties. The research of the developed alloys showed that NZ30K alloy, which additionally contains 0,05 ... 0,1% of silver, after a three-month treatment with gelofusine saves its mechanical properties like those of the bone tissue. Pre-clinical research revealed that they are non-toxic, have an antibacterial effect and preserve the whole set of properties till the complete fracture consolidation.
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20779
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові праці. (Травматологія)

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