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Название: Toxicity parameters of a new 1,2,4-triazole derivative when subcutaneously injected to guinea pigs
Авторы: Zazharskyi, V. V.
Bigdan, O. A.
Parchenko, V. V.
Karpenko, Y. V.
Zazharska, N. M.
Mykhailiuk, Y. O.
Kulishenko, O. M.
Davydenko, P. O.
Kulish, S. M.
Gutyj, B. V.
Бігдан, Олексій Антонович
Парченко, Володимир Володимирович
Карпенко, Юрій Вікторович
Михайлюк, Євгеній Олегович
Куліш, Сергій Миколайович
Ключевые слова: safety
acute toxicity
chronic toxicity
biochemical parameters
Дата публикации: 2024
Библиографическое описание: Toxicity parameters of a new 1,2,4-triazole derivative when subcutaneously injected to guinea pigs / V. V. Zazharskyi, O. A. Bigdan, V. V. Parchenko, Y. V. Karpenko, N. M. Zazharska, Y. O. Mykhailiuk, O. M. Kulishenko, P. O. Davydenko, S. M. Kulish, B. V. Gutyj // Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems. - 2024. - Vol. 15, N 1. - P. 166-170. - https://doi.org/10.15421/022424.
Аннотация: The results of the literature analysis indicate a wide spectrum of biological activity of 1,2,4-triazole derivatives. Low toxicity, reactivity, and high biological activity of 1,2,4-triazole derivatives make this class of compounds very attractive. The obtained data determine the relevance of further studies of 1,2,4-triazole derivatives to find new highly effective biologically active substances that can become the basis for new medicines. Our further work aimed to study some toxicity parameters of 3-(3-fluorophenyl)-6-(4-methoxyphenyl)-7H-[1,2,4]-triazolo-[3,4-b][1,3,4] thiadiazine when administered subcutaneously to guinea pigs, which is a necessary condition for further implementation in practice of this compound. In this work, we observed an absence of toxic effects after a single subcutaneous injection to guinea pigs at a dose of 40 mg/kg experimental drug. The results of macro- and microscopic examinations of internal organs 14 days after a single subcutaneous injection of the studied compound at a dose of 20, 40 mg/kg showed the absence of any anatomical and morphological disorders in the tissue structures of guinea pigs. The calculated value indicates a high degree of safety of 3-(3-fluorophenyl)-6-(4- methoxyphenyl)-7H-[1,2,4]-triazolo-[3,4-b][1,3,4] thiadiazine and its prospects for use in veterinary practice as an effective and safe tuberculocidal agent.
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20874
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові праці. (Токсикологічна та неорганічна хімія)
Наукові праці. (Клінічна фармація ННІПО)

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