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Название: Comprehensive individualized approach to the treatment of patients with acute intestinal obstruction of tumor genesis
Авторы: Kubrak, M. A.
Zavgorodnyi, S. M.
Danyliuk, M. B.
Chemeris, Yu. O.
Кубрак, Михайло Анатолійович
Завгородній, Сергій Миколайович
Данилюк, Михайло Богданович
Чемерис, Юлія Олександрівна
Ключевые слова: colon
acute intestinal obstruction
surgical interventions
Дата публикации: 2025
Библиографическое описание: Comprehensive individualized approach to the treatment of patients with acute intestinal obstruction of tumor genesis / M. A. Kubrak, S. M. Zavgorodnyi, M. B. Danyliuk, Yu. O. Chemeris // Український журнал клінічної хірургії. - 2025. - Т. 92, N 1. - С. 27-30. - https://doi.org/10.26779/2786-832X.2025.1.27.
Аннотация: Objective. To analyze the results of using a comprehensive individualized approach to the treatment of patients with acute intestinal obstruction of tumor genesis. Materials and methods. The study included 125 patients with acute intestinal obstruction as a complication of colon cancer. Results. The use of a strategy of a comprehensive individualized approach to the treatment of acute intestinal obstruction of tumor genesis made it possible to increase the proportion of delayed surgical interventions from 65,31 to 81.08% (p = 0.0297), reduce the proportion of operations that ended in colostomy from 79.59 to 21.62% (p = 0.0081), reduce the incidence of perioperative complications from 42.86 to 17.57% (p = 0.0267) and mortality from 12.25 to 5.41% (p = 0.0491). Conclusions. The use of the developed strategy for the complex treatment of acute intestinal obstruction of tumor genesis significantly improved early perioperative outcomes in patients of this category.
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22028
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові праці. (Загальна хірургія ННІПО)

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