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Название: Metaphysical foundations of causation: powers or laws of nature?
Авторы: Sepetyi, D.
Сепетий, Дмитро Петрович
Ключевые слова: event causation
agent causation
Дата публикации: 2021
Библиографическое описание: Sepetyi D. Metaphysical foundations of causation: powers or laws of nature? / D. Sepetyi // Metaphysica. – 2021. - vol. 22, no. 2. - P. 295-309. - https://doi.org/10.1515/mp-2020-0032. .
Аннотация: Abstract: In this article, I discuss Richard Swinburne’s case for the conception of substance causation, identified with the substances-powers-liabilities (SPL) account of causation, versus the conception of event causation, identified with alternative accounts. I specify the place of Swinburne’s argument in the debates about agent causation, and uncover reasons to be sceptical about the claims that substance causation is a genuine alternative to event causation, and that it helps to comprehend the specifics of the causation involved in free agency.
Описание: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2110-3044
URI: http://dspace.zsmu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15046
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові праці. (Суспільні дисципліни)

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